Fun time for babies and pre school children. There's also a Support Group for first time mums. More...
Baptisms are usually held during the 10:45am Sunday service
All are welcome at our Community lunch on the third Wednesday of the month
A friend in need is a friend we feed! We collect in church for the Bromley Foodbank | First Sunday of every month
A friendly place for the community to have a relaxing social time together | First Thursday every month
Funerals are a difficult time. We're here to help.
Please renew your place on the Electoral Roll!
For girls aged 5 upwards | Meets Monday evenings in term time
Activity based worship for children | Meets Sunday mornings
Small group meet to study, pray and socialise together. | On weekdays, daytime or evenings.
New Mums' Club is a support group for new mums that runs on Wednesday afternoons. More...
Pals Pre school at Christ Church
We are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. We seek to ensure that our church is a welcoming but safe place for all who come through our doors.
Thinking of a wedding at Christ Church? More here..
Worship with us on Sundays | 9:00am Holy Communion | 10:45am Informal All-Age Celebration |
Activity based worship for children in Years 5,6 and 7 | Meets Sunday mornings