We couldn’t manage without lots of volunteers. If you'd like to help, please get in touch with the contacts listed below. Thanks in advance.
- Administration: Church Office
- Alpha course: Matthew and Catherine Humphries
- Audio visual: Phil Wearon
- Bookshop: Gemma Dobbs
- Catering: Sara Cunningham
- Charity shop (supports local youth work): www.2gethershop.org.uk
- Children’s work: Catherine Humphries
- Churches Together in Chislehurst and Bickley: Judith West
- Community Lunch: Angela Scott
- Finance: Church Treasurer Gina Ikonomou
- Flower arranging: Sue Gilder and Penny Russell-Ross
- Foodbank collection organiser: Paul Williamson
- Friendship Cafe: Gill Holt
- Guides: Helen Beecher-Bryant
- Life Groups: Dave Johnston
- Maintenance, including gardening and security: Phil Wearon
- Mission Partner support: Matthew and Catherine Humphries
- Music and Worship: Cath Johnston and Adrian Dobbs (Joint Worship Leaders)
- Pastoral and prayer: Dave Johnston
- Stewarding Team: Church Office
- Website: Christopher Scott
- Welcare in Bromley: Ann Clark
- Welcome Team: Dave Johnston
- Youth Work: Pete Jones