Mission Partners

Christ Church is particularly associated with the mission partners listed below, and in many cases we support individuals who work with those partners.  Our Mission Partners all have close connections with Christ Church Chislehurst.  Some are longstanding relationships and others more recent.  All the organisations are seeking to spread the good news of the gospel to a huge variety of folk both in the UK and across the world.  Your prayerful support to our partners is hugely appreciated, and they are always uplifted in their work when they are reminded of this.  Thank you so much for joining with them in their ministry.  The names that are alongside each partner are members of Christ Church who have the most direct contact with the mission partner.


Core Mission Partners

Diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania  Our link parish is Mrijo parish, and we also support David and Christine Torrance, starting work in 2022 in theological education in the Diocese. (Dave and Cath Johnston)

Kintsugi Hope Diane and Patrick Regan support those with mental and emotional health issues. (Dave and Cath Johnston)

Nsumbi Trust  Pastor Stephen Jota in Kampala, Uganda, and the Two Bridges and Sozo schools (Paul Endersby)


Supported Mission Organisations

Footsteps Mary and Martin Print provide shelter, education and training for vulnerable children in Kenya (Barbara Huntley) 

Overseas Missionary Felowship (David and Ros Dykema now in Canada) 

Mission Aviation Fellowship Stuart and Ruth Fitch, now UK based. (Penny Russell Ross)

Church Mission Society David and Heather Sharland in Arua, Uganda. (Betty Hammond)

Falcon Camps Summer camps for disadvantaged children. (Sue Gilder

Hope for Rehoboth Supporting orphans and vulnerable children in Namibia (Matthew and Catherine Humphries)


Christ Church Mission Connections

Childrens Society Mark Russell CEO (Dave Johnston)

Prison Fellowship (Dave Johnston)


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